exam prepThe 3-day national entry exam into middle school, that started on June 16, 2015 in Togo, ended on Thursday, June 18. The exam took place in Lavie and other designated exam centers around the country. 246 children of Lavie and its surroundings (from 12 schools in total) tried their chances for middle school next year.

Prior to the exam, on June 15, 2015, each student received a pen and a folder, the only things they are allowed to bring to the exam room. We also gave them their breakfast allowance for the 3 exam days. The children will buy their breakfast from the women who sell food in the school yard (of the exam center) every morning.







As a last-minute effort, some teachers even held a prayer session for their students.


After the exam, when the results are in, we’ll award cash prizes to 36 students: the first place from the entire center and the top 3 places of each class.







exam hall



Our children entering the exam hall on the morning of June 16.

Stay tuned.