Akouvi - how to fund an African child to go to schoolMeet 13-year old Akouvi Y., a face of change you’ve been helping to grow from the ground up.

Akouvi is one of our elementary students, in their final year, who are getting ready for the 2016 middle school entrance exam. The exam will take place in June. This year, there will be 245 children of Lavie and its surroundings (from 12 schools) that will take the exam. Their ages range from 10 to 16. We are especially happy to announce that 117 of the candidates are girls.

In the coming days, we’ll be profiling these brilliant girls of Lavie on Facebook, 1 or 2 at a time.

As we did last year, a day prior to the exam, each student will receive a pen and a folder – the only things they are allowed to bring to the exam room that day. They will each also receive $1.00 – a breakfast allowance for the 3 exam days. The children will buy their breakfast from the women who sell food in the school yard (of the exam center) every morning.

After the exam, the top 3 students of each class will receive a cash reward. The exact amount will depend on how much you – our supporters — can help us raise.

Last year, 75% of the students in the Lavié district, passed the middle school entrance exam, compared to only 48% from the larger region. We hope to do even better this year.

Donate today to help us keep growing change from the ground up.